
Fellow, Member, Chartered Member

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VividGraph is currently in Pre-release Status, in its Alpha version.
By becoming one of the first users as Members and Chartered Members to join the VividGraph family,
you will obtain VividGraph Angel (VA) status for life.
This VA Status will provide 20% OFF Yearly Membership plans and 40% OFF Chartered Membership plans.

Important !!! Until the 1.0 Release, anyone that reports 10 reproducible bugs will get a free 1-year Member Subscription.

report to



Fellows are an important part of the VividGraph family. By becoming a VividGraph Fellow, you are able to create your own visualizations and use other free content created on VividGraph but
you are not able to sign and author works using VividGraph’s Certificate with your Personal Private key.
Fellows are also able to create public Libraries but will not be able to market them monetarily.

  • Core functionality

  • Profile and ID

  • Certificate and Signature

  • Extended functionality

  • Support

  • Features voting


Paid every month

Members are the Soul and Spirit of VividGraph.
Member support makes the existence and development of VividGraph possible.
Every Member is able to access all features of the platform as well as full support from VividGraph. In addition, every Member benefits from VividGraph’s Membership Certificate to restrict visualization features, market and distribute their libraries both for free or monetarily. In future, Members’ work will be able to be distributed on the VividGraph network.

  • Core functionality

  • Profile and ID

  • Certificate and Signature

  • Extended functionality

  • Support

  • Features voting

Chartered Member

Paid every month

Charter Members are Angel Supporters of VividGraph.
Charter Members have access to all Member features as well as additional features only available for this subscription level.
As a Charter Member you will have a personalized and direct connection with the VividGraph Development Team and can vote for upcoming features to be developed as well as which features should be included in upcoming releases.

  • Core functionality

  • Profile and ID

  • Certificate and Signature

  • Extended functionality

  • Premium Support

  • Features voting



Fellows are an important part of the VividGraph family. By becoming a VividGraph Fellow, you are able to create your own visualizations and use other free content created on VividGraph but
you are not able to sign and author works using VividGraph’s Certificate with your Personal Private key.
Fellows are also able to create public Libraries but will not be able to market them monetarily.

  • Core functionality

  • Profile and ID

  • Certificate and Signature

  • Extended functionality

  • Support

  • Features voting


Paid once an year

Members are the Soul and Spirit of VividGraph.
Member support makes the existence and development of VividGraph possible.
Every Member is able to access all features of the platform as well as full support from VividGraph. In addition, every Member benefits from VividGraph’s Membership Certificate to restrict visualization features, market and distribute their libraries both for free or monetarily. In future, Members’ work will be able to be distributed on the VividGraph network.

  • Core functionality

  • Profile and ID

  • Certificate and Signature

  • Extended functionality

  • Support

  • Features voting

Chartered Member

Paid once an year

Charter Members are Angel Supporters of VividGraph.
Charter Members have access to all Member features as well as additional features only available for this subscription level.
As a Charter Member you will have a personalized and direct connection with the VividGraph Development Team and can vote for upcoming features to be developed as well as which features should be included in upcoming releases.

  • Core functionality

  • Profile and ID

  • Certificate and Signature

  • Extended functionality

  • Premium Support

  • Features voting

Important Reminder

After completing the Financial subscription section
Please do not forget
to send the VividGraph Membership Request Form to us.
The information included there such as the ID and Public key is NEEDED in order to complete your VividGraph Signing Certificate.

To get your Membership Request Form - if you haven't done so already. Please go to
VividGraph->Settings->Fellow/Member-> Membership Request Form;
It is a PDF form, save it locally on your machine - and then send it to us as an attachment to
Please put as subject of the email - "VividGraph Membership Request Form";
Within a few hours you will receive your VividGraph Membership Certificate;
Below you can see example of VividGraph Membership Request Form.

When you receive your membership email, please copy all sections between
------- CERTIFICATE START ---------
------- CERTIFICATE END ---------
Go to VividGraph -> Settings -> Fellow\Member->Enter New Certificate; Paste in the form copied part and click Process; You will get a message for the result.

Thank you again for your support.
For any questions please contact us.
Start Authoring, Signing and Marketing your visualizations and content libraries.