Get VividGraph

Visualization Studio, Resource Libraries



Apple Mac OS

NOT AVAILABLE at this moment
Will be available the end of 2 quater of 2024

Microsoft Windows

MS Windows installation package.
Version 0.7.8
!!! Please be aware that on MS Windows 11
- installation package DO NOT make shortcut in Start Programs!!!
Please go to c:\ProgramFiles\VividGraph\VG_Medium.exe
Make shortcut ot VividGraph from there.


NOT AVAILABLE at this moment
Will be available the end of 2 quater of 2024

Essentials Resources

Essentials 1

NOT AVAILABLE at this moment
Will be available the end of 2 quater of 2024

Essentials 2

NOT AVAILABLE at this moment
Will be available the end of 2 quater of 2024

Essentials 3

NOT AVAILABLE at this moment
Will be available the end of 2 quater of 2024

Members Resources

Members 1

NOT AVAILABLE at this moment
Will be available the end of 2 quater of 2024

Members 2

NOT AVAILABLE at this moment
Will be available the end of 2 quater of 2024

Important!!! Until the 1.0 Release, anyone that reports 10 reproducible bugs will get a free 1-year Member Subscription.

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Create your Profile

Create your Profile (Contains public information such as names, e-mail, uniquely-generated ID, keys and signature)
Your Profile is Encrypted and Signed
Any change will result in an “Error Report”


Send you membership Request Form

Complete the Membership Fee Financial Arrangement
Send you membership request form to:

Configure you VividGraph Certificate

When you receive your membership email, please copy all sections between
------- CERTIFICATE START ---------
------- CERTIFICATE END ---------
Start Authoring, Signing and Marketing your visualizations and content libraries.